Here are some fun photos....
Last night I was kicking it at home.....and then Dana came over....SO it's PHOTO TIME!! =] I was making my new blog...she, like I, hadn't made one or even really used them here we are!=)

SO...I take the train TONS to go back home and visit the family and friends!! This last time I ran into my student Mac at the SB train station....let me say that that trip was the FASTEST trip ever!! =] We were on the computer playing with PhotoBooth for probably 2 1/2 hours!!...then we took a break..then we played more!!....It was one of the best times on the train...out of the 200 photos that we are some fun ones....

We were making a scary movie poster for a train accident and SCI-Fi aliens that come and take over the world!!

After 200 photos......I was trying to go for a weird hair do look...can't really tell...

Me screaming at Mac....

Mac demonstrationg what will happen to you if you eat too many CHEETOS!!