This is the attic Albergue we stayed in. You were not allowed to get up before 6am, and we were woken up in the morning to LOUD Italian Opera....it gave you chills it was so amazing!

Yesterday we decieded to stay at the bottom of the 8km hill (which recommended in the books to be a 3 hour hike) till the morning!! I could NOT have done it..I was already done!!
We´ve been walking between 24-35km a day...to give you an idea what that is...it´s 40km for a marathon...26miles.
Today we reached a new part of Spain...the wetter area...yet I think we are having a heat wave!!
My camera has started to stop working....not so sure what is wrong with it!!...IT´s a LOT of weight to carry around for something that is not working!!!
I have blisters and sore feet...but finally after 14 days I´m getting used to the pain that it´s really just part of everyday life!....
It´s really funny to see the new pilgrims that have arrived on the trail after us...they are on day 3-4 and they are experiencing the same pain we did a few weeks ago...plus their skin is pale...and I know that will end up in a disaster if they don´t have sunscreen! We had to take our friend Lorenzo to the hospital yesterday before we left the town cause his sunburn had turned into a 3degree burn!! Soooo GROSSS!!
Lorenzo's Arm was finally starting to heal!